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How much Protein needed for muscle growth

Protein rich foods

In the human body, proteins are present in every cell and tissue, including our muscle. Our bodies are recycling proteins on a daily. The proteins that we eat in our diet can be used to replace broken down proteins in order to maintain balance.

 How much do we need for muscle growth: The amount of protein for muscle growth needed is 1.2-2.0gms of protein per kilogram of body weight to gain muscle along with weight training. So if a person is 80kg then the protein needed is 80*1.2=96 gms of protein daily. Eating excess protein also results in protein loss as our body cannot absorb and digest excess protein at a time.

What do Proteins do: Proteins is a macro-nutrient like Fat and Carbohydrates and is made up of amino acid? Amino acid is the building blocks of protein. Our body is made up o protein like nails,hair,skin,muscles. Proteins are constantly broken-down (catabolism) and built up (anabolism)in our body everyday by our activities.

Exercising causes stress on our muscles, making tiny tears or injuries in the muscle proteins and this needs to be repaired. Consuming protein in our diet than are broken down makes muscles to repair and grow more than its previous size as more muscle is added to its original place.

Are protein shakes good for you: Protein shake is a protein supplement we take as we cannot give our body the daily protein amount we need and which is made from soy,milk,pea,beef etc.The protein shake is absolutely safe it it is bought from a genuine supplement brand and bought from a genuine retail outlet then it will be safe from fake ingredients which might harm the body.We supplement the body with protein shake as we cannot take all the quality protein we need from our daily diet.

What food has the highest protein: The quality of protein food is measured by its BV(Biological Value).Biological value measures protein quality by calculating the nitrogen used for tissue formation divided by the nitrogen absorbed from food. The food with the highest B.V is Eggs with a rating of 100.

Foods with high Protein Content

1) Chicken Breast: Chicken breast is very popular protein food which provides 27gms/100gms with a B.V of 79.Chicken breast is low in fat which is gives pure protein.

2) Eggs: Each egg contains 6gms of protein. Eggs are the most purest form of protein with all amino acids present with a B.V of 100.It also contains lot of vitamins and minerals for our body.

3)Fish: Fish are high in protein and especially  Salmon or Tuna which has high protein content of 22gms in it and also has lot of Omega 3 fatty acids which helps in muscle growth.

4) Beef: Beef is high quality protein which is very good for muscle growth and to increase muscle mass. It has a B.V value of 80

5) Whey : Whey is a by-product of milk when making cheese. Whey protein is of high quality and has 25g of protein per 100gm.It has a B.V of 104 and is very useful for building muscle and the body’s protein need.

6) Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is made from straining the liquid of regular yogurt. It is high in protein giving 8gm per 100gms

7) Beans and Lentils:They are plant base protein sources giving 8gms of protein per 100 gms for vegetarian people. It may not contain all the required amino acids required for muscle growth.

8) Nuts: Nuts are packed with healthy fats and also a lot of protein. Walnuts,Almonds,Cashewnuts,Pista are very good source of protein and very useful for muscle growth.

9) Shrimp: This sea based food is very tasty as well as good protein source providing us with 20g of protein for 100gms.

10) Cottage Cheese: This low calorie cheese I highly nutritious and very useful for muscle growth. It provides 14gms of protein.

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